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Frequently Asked Questions

There is a lot of confusion about Mental Health, here at DESHPA, we try to answer some basic questions. If you have any further questions kindly write to us at info@deshpa.org

How many people have Mental Health Related issues in America?
Where Can I Go To Find Therapy?
Can people get over mental illness without medication?
Can people stabilize a mental illness simply with medication alone?
Why does someone with mental illness need to have a routine?
Why do some people choose to just take meds and no therapy, is that safe?
Does exercising help control mental illness just by itself?
Where can I go to find Therapy?
Does exercising help control mental illness just by itself?
How common is psychosis?
What is the connection between psychosis and schizophrenia?
What are the early warning signs of psychosis?
How rampant is Mental Health in Adolescents?
Why Is This a Big Deal?
What is the highest end game of Mental Health in Adolescent's?
What are some of the Warning Signs of a person who is suicidal?
What can I do if I am feeling suicidal?
Is my child Bipolar?
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